Additionally, we worked on surveys that we would give a class. Using surveys with a class helps the instructor understand her students better and adapt the course to their needs. It also communicates an interest in her students. Click here to view my survey.
As I work on my final project, I am happy that I am already teaching online courses. I can apply this task directly to my classes. There is great value in closely analyzing my assessments in relationship to Bloom's Taxonomy. I am a great believer in stretching students to use higher level thinking skills throughout my classes, as appropriate.
- Ginnie
Such an interesting way to conduct a survey - so colorful, one question on a page.
I hope you also plan on eliciting personal information and share some of yours with your students in this survey.
You may be surprised how 'far' it will take your initial relationship online.
Datta Kaur
Datta Kaur,
Thank you for your thoughts and suggestions. I don't think I would add my own personal information in the survey, because I have that in other places in my course. All of the teachers in my school are required to have it in our course introduction sections. I also learn more about my students from their collages.
I wanted to keep the survey short and make sure that I got the information that most impacts on my course.
Would the survey be better on one page? This is my first try with Zoomerang. I used to use Moodle to survey my students, but I wanted to try Zoomerang.
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